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by Edwin

Kids might be known to say the darndest things, but then again they aren’t really that innocent either these days as they grow up extremely quickly not only physically but mentally as well. For many of our children and younger generation, they tend to have overtly expensive cellphones due to the absentee parent syndrome who chase after material wealth and have no time to look after their kids, hence lavishing their little ones with all the best and latest gizmos, handsets included. With smartphones being more than capable of handling many modern computing tasks on the go, do you know what your kids are actually doing with them? Enter Net Nanny Mobile – a name that ought to be familiar with many people who want to regulate what their kids can and cannot see while surfing on the computer at home. Net Nanny Mobile is the result of a collaboration between ContentWatch and SMobile Systems, where it offers parents more tools to protect the growing legions of young mobile users from misconduct, exploitation, unwanted communications, sexting, loss and theft, cyber bullying, malware and online predators.

Net Nanny Mobile will offer parents unprecedented control over the content on smartphones, where parents can now go around in peace knowing not only where their kids are, but whether they are outside of the home or surfing online. Among the features found on Net Nanny Mobile include viewing the content of email, text messages and MMS on the handset, being capable of browsing through the entire photo album alongside images taken, sent and received, a log of all voice conversations, the entire address book with all applications installed on the handset itself and most importantly, the phone’s location round the clock thanks to GPS tracking offered by Google Maps. Net Nanny Mobile is available now for $29.99 when you choose an annual subscription fee for the first phone and $14.99 for subsequent handsets.
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