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Apple's next-gen iPhone power amp; NASA chemical sensor app

By Slash Lane

Apple has reportedly selected a new power amplifier supplier for a new, forthcoming model of the iPhone; and a NASA scientist has used the iPhone to create a chemical sensor.

New iPhone power amplifier

Skyworks has reportedly been tapped by Apple to supply the power amplifier for a new model of Apple's iPhone. According to Taiwanese trade publication DigiTimes, the company orders its parts from Advanced Wireless Semiconductor Company.

AWSC expects its revenues to grow by 50 percent in 2010, when Skyworks reportedly becomes the power amplifier supplier for the next-generation iPhone. No further details on the new hardware were presented.

Recent reports have suggested a new hardware model of the iPhone compatible with the Verizon Wireless network in the U.S. could debut in the summer of 2010. The first three iPhone hardware iterations all saw an annual summer release.

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