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Facebook has changed its Appearance??

What you think ??

  • See new requests, messages and notifications grouped together by the Facebook logo.
  • Easily access your messages, applications and chat on the left side of the page.
  •  Manage privacy settings and log out using the Account menu above. 

  Learn more about your new home page 


The top menu

The top menu has been simplified to make it easier to get to what's new and important.

Icons for requests, messages, and notifications light up when there's 
something new you won't want to miss.

The account menu contains links to important settings pages. 
It's also where you can go to find help or log out.

The basics — search, home and Profile — are accessible at the top of every page.

The left menu

The left menu has been organised to make it easier for you to find and discover content from friends, read your messages, see what your friends are up to, access applications and more.

Core features, such as News Feed, messages and your friends,
are at the top, making it easier to keep up with what's new.

Applications you've bookmarked have moved up the page for easy access.
The new Applications and Games Dashboards help you 
discover new and interesting information from your friends.

Friends online provides quick links to chat with 
your friends or quickly go online yourself. To edit your options, 
find Facebook Chat in the bottom bar.

 In my point of view!!

The Facebook has changed its appearance but as i feel its so difficult to use because of that and as well as we cant chat even. When its comes to Message Inbox it also hard to find For me....
I prefer the older layout of facebook........ 

Would you mind putting your comments about this.

8 Responses
  1. Anonymous Says:

    i fink before one is better than this, but they have done some super changes.......

  2. Anonymous Says:

    it's confusing old one is better......

  3. Anonymous Says:

    OOOh god this new Look of FB is confucing me...... I need the old look its much metter than this....

  4. Shan Mirihana Says: one is soo cool men :D...AWESOME!!!

  5. samoedra waena Says:

    A little difference i look at my facebook, and yes more easy to browse a photo. I think so far so good. i like it

  6. samoedra warna Says:

    A little difference i look at my facebook, and yes more easy to browse a photo. I think so far so good. i like it

  7. Chanuka_CJ Says:

    i preffer the earlier layer is good n easy to use..this modified version is bit compklicated...sooo hope they will change to earlier layer with these modifications..

  8. Chanuka_CJ Says:

    i preffer the earlier layer is good n easy to use..this modified version is bit compklicated...sooo hope they will change to earlier layer with these modifications..