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What would happen to Facebook and all similar sites??

Google has lounged social network named “Google Buzz” they have planned to do lot more things by using this new application that they have mane. For the users can get lot more benefits from this as well as just like Facebook, Hi5, and Twitter Google is going to give lot more things. This is a combination of all social network sites it has got each and every thing that other sites have.

New! Google Buzz in Gmail
Share updates, photos, videos, and more.
Start conversations about the things you find interesting.

No setup needed
 You're already following the people you
 email and chat with the most in Gmail.

Everything in one place

Follow your friends and get recommended
buzz from others — all within Gmail.

Inbox integration

 Comments appear right in your inbox so it's
 easy to keep the conversation going.

What would happen ??
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